A Medical Benefit For Phyllis Duda-Parsons
On Saturday, January 12th, the NDUDA is helping organize a free-will Benefit Supper & Silent Auction at the St. Anthony Club in Dickinson, ND to help defray medical expenses for one of our most favorite people in the world, Phyllis Duda-Parsons.
Phyllis has been a very special part of our Ukrainian Dancers Stepovi family over the years. She has tirelessly fundraised, volunteered, and advocated for our group. She was the one we could quietly count on to do what needed to be done with nary a complaint. Phyllis is truly a special person that has touched many people in our community. We love her and we love her family.
Phyllis was diagnosed with breast cancer late this past summer. They caught it early but her road will be long. She has finished radiation treatments and is just now starting what is to be 5 years of chemo.
All proceeds will go to Phyllis to help with medical expenses.
When: Saturday, January 12th
Where: St. Anthony Club, 105 SE 1st St, Dickinson, ND
Social: 5:30PM
Supper: 6:30PM
Silent Auction Closes: ~8:00PM
Cost: Free-Will